March 10, 2009

I just need to complain for a minute

Where do I start...TJ is cutting more teeth, which means he wants to nurse all night, which means I get little or no sleep. I threw my back out a week ago and it is still pretty sore, so having to sleep in one position all night long isn't helping.

I'm exhausted and just don't feel like doing anything. I also didn't workout for about 4 days since I hurt my back. We have a wedding to go to at the end of the month and I don't think I'm going to lose enough weight to look decent in a dress. Tom's exwife made a comment to him last week that really ticked me off...she said "Oh it looks like Rachael weighs more than I do now...." And while I really don't care WHAT she thinks, it still upset me.

I'm still waiting to hear from unemployment on my appeal to their denial. It's been a month now.

I just found out from my aunt that one of the photo techs in her store got promoted to assistant manager...but wait...I thought there were no openings until June or July??? I think I need to call the Regional Vice President.

And on top of it all, living with my parents SUCKS. My dad is an ass. He's constantly on my case about EVERYTHING and I'm tired of being treated like I'm a maid. Yes, I am home all day. But that doesn't mean that I don't do anything! I take care of my son, who is VERY active now. I clean up the best that I can. I was hurt for 4 days, to the point where it took me 45 minutes just to get off of the couch to go to the bathroom! He always has something to say about my cat. Yes, she's a pain in the butt, but I don't know what you want me to do about it. No, I didn't see the freakin litter on the kitchen floor, it was not there when I was JUST up there washing dishes.

We can't get ahead on our bills. My student loans are late, we have a $600 gas bill that is in MY NAME...all because Tom was making payments to the wrong account when we moved.

And, to top it all off, the class I am taking now is ALOT more work than any others that I have taken before.

*sigh* What ELSE is going to go wrong??


March 7, 2009

Pictures :)

Fun in the snow :)

Momma it's COLD out here!

Wait. What did you just say?

Riding on his car/push toy thing

Sleepin in his swing...gotta love the hands behind his head

Bath time fun in the sink

January 22, 2009

I am such a slacker

One would think that I would be updating this thing more often, beings I'm not working. But, I'm a slacker and my life is pretty boring anyway. Since TJ is 8 months old today (holy crap WHERE did my little baby go???) I figured I should do a quick update :)

TJ is getting more teeth. His top 2 have broken through, and I *think* 2 more are coming in on the bottom. Teething = Cranky Baby who just wants to nurse ALL DAY (and all night) LONG. These teeth need to hurry up.

He still isn't crawling. I'm sure he could if he TRIED but he's lazy. He CAN get himself into a sitting position, though, and has started scooting on his butt. He'll lean forward onto his belly, and put his knees up under him like he's GOING to crawl...but no dice. He just kicks one leg back and rolls onto his side.

Last week he started giving "kisses" when we asked for them. I guess the novelty has worn off, though, becausse this week he's being very stingy with the kisses. Mr. Personality I tell ya.

I also can't stand how smart he is. He is already answering to his name, which if I remember correctly most babies don't do until at least 9 months. He has been doing this for about 2 months now. He also says mama, dada. baba, mom-mom, pop-pop, and nana. Nana has meant night-night a few times, and banana...he was eating little pieces of cut up banana a few nights ago and saying "nana."

Speaking of eating, this kid will eat ANYTHING. We started him on stage 2 babyfood last week. And zweiback toast. He LOVES zweiback toast. With as much as he eats, I can't figure out why he hasn't gained any weight in a month and a half. I had to take him to the pediatrician last Thursday for a nasty diaper rash. At his 6 month appointment he was 16lbs 2oz. On Thursday he was down to 15lbs 8oz. So in a month and a half he lost almost a pound. Dr. Mike wasn't worried about it, but I was. He said that TJ's growth spurt is over and he will get taller more than he will get heavier. But, still, it bothered me that he lost weight. So Dr. Mike told me to give him more cereal, which we are doing twice a day now instead of once...and I'm mixing it with 2oz of formula instead of just water. We go back on the 29th for a weight check, and then on Feb. 23rd for his 9 month well-visit. He is a happy baby (minus the teething crankiness), he's meeting his milestones and then some, he's not lethargic...I just don't like that he lost so much weight. I think Dr. Mike suggested giving him more cereal just to make ME feel better, as he really wasn't concerned at all.

I think that's all on the baby-update front. I have pictures and video to upload, I will work on that today so stay tuned :)

In other news....Walgreens SUCKS. I had to call in to claim my unemployment yesterday for the last 2 weeks. I get all the way through and the stupid automated system tells me that I need to speak with a person. Ok. Fine. Whatever. I call the other number, and it takes me about an hour to finally get to a live person. Apparently when the people at unemployment called Walgreens, they were told that I voluntarily quit. WHAT???? Excuse me????? I TRIED to transfer but there were NO AVAILABLE POSITIONS FOR ME. WTF???? So now I have to wait until a claims adjuster calls me on Feb. 3rd. I'd LOVE to know who they spoke to. Probably some twit at corporate who gets paid big bucks to ruin people's lives. I WILL get unemployment, whether they like it or not.

That's all for now....remember...stay tuned for pictures and videos of TJ!!!