November 18, 2008


So. It has come to this. We are broke. And by broke I mean on Saturday we had -$400 in the bank. Drastic times call for drastic measures, right? After much deliberation and weighing the pros and cons, after January 1 we are moving in with my parents. Certainly the situation is not ideal, but it's really our only option to be able to save money and buy a house.

One of the upsides, though, is that we will be super close to my family. This includes cousin Katie, aunt Mary, cousin Teri (who is getting married in just under 2 years), etc. So I might actually get to *see* my family more than once in a blue moon.

We have a lot to do over the next month and a half. We need to pack things feels like we JUST unpacked things. We have to find a cheap storage place for the stuff that we can't take with us, which is most of what we own. We have to decide on an exact date so that I can tell my boss and get transferred to another store. We have to let the leasing office here know that we are leaving. Luckily we only have to pay 1 months rent to get out of our lease. So even though we won't be living here in January, we still have to pay. Not a big deal, really, most places charge much more to break a lease.

I'm really sad to leave my friends at work. I've developed a really great relationship with most of the people I work with. I wonder if they would bend the rules just a little and let me work in the store that my aunt Mary works in? I doubt it. We'd run a kickass store together, though.

So, there you have it. Starting in early January 2009 our residence will be Casa de Mom & Dad. Hopefully we won't regret this decision, especially since we will be there for at least 12 months, possibly closer to 18.


Katie said...

Big Hugs over the miles.

Seriously, if I could just come up there and move in to make things easier, I would. I'd commute every single day, no questions asked.

I really want you guys to be closer though. TJ is a big blessing. Sadly, he came at a horrible time in the economy. He's still amazing though, and I'm glad you'll be closer.

I'm literally RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. And we can hang out constantly. It'll be great to have you 'home' again...and eventually, you guys will be back on the feet again. Maybe closer to home still too.

I LOVE YOU! And I'm so HAPPY you're coming home!

(PS, If you ever need an escape, do you want me to make a nursery in my office?!)


*~*Rachael*~* said...

Thanks <3 Things are rough for everyone right now. The economy blows. Luckily we have this option to get back on our feet.

I so can't wait to be able to hang out on a regular basis! I need to find a way to make Tuesdays and Thursdays my permanent days off at whatever store I end up in lol.

A nursery in your office would be great....have baby will travel ;)


p.s. I'm pretty sure your mom is coming to my orthopeadist appointment with me on Thursday but as always you are welcome as well :)

Anonymous said...

I think you are doing the right thing, everything considered, so that some day in the not too distant future you guys will have a house that will be your home. You know I am and always be here for you. And definitly put me on the "places to escape to" list. I think I will go shopping for a crib and lil things for you guys and lil man.haha just cuz I loves ya so much!!!
Dont think we will get them to put us in the same store, even tho we would make a great team. But i guess its better cuz we would NEVER have a day off together! I am excited tho because we will be closer! and we can SEE each other and not just talk when we are both at work at night!!! Yeah...this will be a good thing! and again, I am here for ya....Love to ALL of you!!!

Katie said...

Funny how MY MOM posts on YOUR BLOG and not on mine.


Haha. :)