December 19, 2008

Updates and Such

Things on the work front are still slightly dismal. My boss offered to let me stay until the end of February since we have to pay rent here until then anyway. After some discussion with Tom, though, I have decided to pass on the offer and take a month or so off from work to get settled into my parents' house and spend some time with Tom and TJ. Tom also made the suggestion today that I work part-time until I finish my Masters and get a teaching job. I'm a little leary of that because of how long it will take us to pay off bills and save for a house, but I'm all for less work and more time with the family.
So, in light of this new part-time suggestion, I was thinking. I am going to talk to my boss about whether or not it would be a good idea for me to step down from assistant manager and go into District 240 as a part-time photo person or something...ANYTHING but Pharmacy lol...and then see if I can be "repromoted" into assistant when something opens up. Or even just stay part time until I finish my Masters and then quit completely. I mean, I have almost 4 years in with the company. I don't want to lose my vacation time, sick time, profit sharing, etc. Before I do that, though, I am going to look into the "bridge in service" rules. If I can just bridge my dates and not lose anything, I may go that route instead.
In other news...TJ is getting bigger every day. I will have to post some new pictures in a few days. He now says dada, mama, baba, nana, and hida. He shakes his head "no," and I've started saying "noooo" when he does it so he will understand what it means. He sits up by himself for good stretches of time. He can transfer toys from hand to hand and reach for things. He is slowly learning how to blow raspberries. His main way of transportation is rolling around the living room floor, he wants NO parts of trying to crawl...but he does balance himself on his belly with his arms stretched out and kicks his feet like he's swimming....cracks me up. Today I gave him a sippy cup with a little bit of water in it, just to see what he would do. He chewed on it at first, but then I showed him how to tip it back and he drank a little. Then he was just happy to bang it on the table and throw it around. I can't believe that he will be 7 months old on Monday!
I think that's it for now :) More updates as they come...