December 30, 2008


Cousin Katie decided that it would be a good idea to tag me...which means that I have to share 7 interesting (or not-so-interesting, depending on how you look at it) facts about myself. Then, I'm supposed to tag other people. But...since only 8 people are currently following my blog, one being Cousin Katie, and the other being Cousin Teri (who was already tagged by Katie)...if you are reading this and you wanna share some fun stuff about yourself, please feel free to do so. If not, well you're just a party pooper ;) Now. Where was I? Oh, yes. 7 "interesting facts" about myself......

1. I can open a Starburst candy in my mouth without using my teeth and without ripping the wrapper.

2. I hate tomatoes. However, I will eat ketchup, tomato sauce, and sundried tomatoes.

3. I completed my BA in Psychology this past September. I am going to begin classes for my MA in Teaching on January 6.

4. I have no idea what I am going to do with either of the aforementioned degrees.

5. I check my facebook 60000000000 times a day, including when I am at work or anywhere else for that matter. Yay for the facebook application on Blackberry.

6. Speaking of Blackberrys, I can't wait to own a Blackberry Bold. Someday. Soon. I hope.

7. Friday is my last day of work. I am happy and sad all at the same time. It's ok, though. Cousin Katie and I have big BIG plans...that's if she ever comes home from Ohio :)


Katie said...

How I miss you! We have HUGE PLANS.

I get home sometime next week. I'll call you the day I'm in, and we're doing lunch. I don't care what you say.
